Full name: Scott Kristian Bidstrup
Address:XXX, 2650 Hvidovre
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Contact info:
Email: Zcootkristian@hotmail.com
Phone: +45 XX XX XX XX
English (Fluent, both written and spoken)
German (Fluent in speech, and to some extend in written)
Danish (My original tongue)
Previous Occupations:
I've been working with many different things. Written below you will find a chronological list of my previous occupations:
2006 - ?? Teacher in a youth club (2nd time, same club as in 2004-2005).
2005 - 2006 Salesman for a big Danish newspaper (Ekstra Bladet)
2005 - 2006 Male psychiatric nursing aid
2005 - 2006 Teacher in a kindergarten
2004 - 2005 Teacher in a youth club
2004 - 2004 Compulsory military service
2003 - 2004 Production school
2001 - 2003 Cashier
2000 - 2001 Waiter/bartender/table cleaner
2000 - 2002 Circuit observer in a Go-kart hall.
1997 - 1999 Cleaning assistant
Additional educations/school periods:
I have been attending at numerous educations. Written below you will find a chronological list of my additional educations and school periods:
2000 Completed 9th Grade, basic school
2001 Completed 10th grade at Eisbjerghus International boarding school (Received the “Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education”)
2002 – 2003 Production school, with primary focus on Music (band + individual practice)
2003 Completed military education (related to my Compulsory service)
2006 Completed HF (Higher Preparation, similar to a Student exam)
Personal interests and hobbies:
Playing music – I’ve been in a band for several years now. Apart from that I’m teaching young people to play guitars, bas, drums and keyboard at the youth club where I’m currently employed.
Computers - I’ve always been fascinated by them, and I love learning new skills.
My primary goal in life is to become a millionaire at 25. Apart from that I wish to get acquainted with lots and lots of people with the same amount of humour, love and ambition as me. Other than that I wish to experience all of the world and all the possibilities that lay before me.